The ideas presented here go back thousands of years yet I hope that my fresh presentation will clear up a lot of common misunderstandings. You just may surprise yourself with many key, new insights. It hardly needs to be mentioned that I am just offering my own opinion for your consideration. You can take what you like and leave the rest. Even though some of us may see things differently, I hope that my work will inspire us to respect one another, treat each other kindly and work towards personal and world peace. With that in mind, my completely free essays, poems, songs and book excerpts are listed below. Just click the title of any essay that interests you.
This is a good essay to start with since I go into the specific ways that my work stands out from what is commonly offered elsewhere. You will quickly and easily be able to tell if my work is a good match for you.
The term “nondual” means “not two” and it comes about because God and creation are seen as One Reality, not two. This wisdom holds that the unseen Creator arises as the creation we see all around us. This is like an actor arising as a character. We make a distinction between the the actor and the character since the actor is the source of the character; it’s not the other way around. Furthermore, the actor can drop the role of the character at any time. Yet when the actor arises as the character, they are one. You can read more here.
Many popular books have simplified the subject of conscious creation far too much and this has caused confusion and frustration. For example, the idea that you can be, do and have anything you want (in this life) is simply not true. Yet you can learn to consciously use the creative process to get positive results. So if you are stuck in an unconscious loop of negative beliefs, emotions and actions, know that you really can shift to a positive approach that will make a significant difference in what you experience in your life. Read more in this 2-page essay: Conscious Creation
This following essay is a good complement to this one.
Way back in 1980 I started to read some of the Seth books, which were channeled by Jane Roberts. I found Seth to be wise, insightful, compassionate and humorous. I quickly felt comfortable with his refreshing ideas and applied the material to my life, as best I could.
My inspiration for this essay comes not only from Seth, but also from Bashar as channeled by Darryl Anka. And I will cover some important Buddhist and Daoist principles as I learned them from Timothy Conway. I think this broad perspective will help us understand this important topic.
The full essay is here: Seth: “You create your own reality!”
The translation of the word “anatta” as “no self” has caused, in my opinion, a fair amount of confusion and this has been going on for a very long time, perhaps over two thousand years! For example, you sometimes hear people say that “you do not exist” or that “the person does not exist.” But if you consider the word “anatta” in its original context of the process of disidentification from the five components of the person – the five "skandhas" – and translate it as “not self,” you have a much clearer idea of the wisdom being offered. And most importantly, the process of reidentification as everyOne should not be overlooked since this is what opens up the loving heart of enlightenment.
Many people incorrectly think that illusions are “unreal.” In other words, they think that illusions don’t exist at all. But an illusion is something that exists in a deceptive way. This misunderstanding is the reason why there is so much confusion about this subject. So in this essay, I will cover what is unreal, what is an illusion and what is real. I will also talk about why some people say that the world is relatively real and why they say that God (Source-Awareness) is Absolutely Real. So let’s jump in and see what we find.
This is perhaps my single most important essay. I write passionately about this profound ancient wisdom because I want to help ignite the process where these concepts are transformed from mere ideas into a living truth that shines within your soul.
In this summary overview of spiritual awakening, I present three key awakenings, which occur when you intuitively recognize the following three points:
• You exist fundamentally as pure awareness, as the open capacity for experience.
• The awareness that is looking out of your eyes is the same awareness that is looking out of my eyes. There is only One Awareness.
• This awareness arises as each and everything that it is aware of. This is why my mentor, Timothy Conway, and I refer to this awareness as “Source-Awareness.”
So your fundamental identity is Source-Awareness, the one, uncreated, formless Divine Essence. Your nonfundamental identity is the totality of created reality. This is what you are through the process of creation. And your functional identity is the person you appear to be. All of this is thoroughly divine. God is infinitely intimate with all of creation.
It is God who is arising as everyOne and it is God who is doing everything. How wondrous!
Reading this 3-page essay is the easiest way for you to find out if my work will resonate with you in the deepest way. I hope you will enjoy it.
Here's the essay: The Loving Heart of Enlightenment
This is an excellent summary of many of the key points from my book.
Many people seem to think that there is only one “awakening” and that the subject is so mysterious that it is beyond words. Well, here I offer an essay about what I consider the seven most significant spiritual awakenings.
It is so often repeated that you are not your body that I thought it would be helpful to comment on this important subject in a short two-page essay.
Your natural emotional state of being is one of peace and joy. When you let go of fear, this is what you relax into. I hope this essay will help you relax into peace and joy more easily and more often. You don’t need to be concerned about why it might be possible to let go of fear and worry at any time, you only need to sincerely give it a try. What I offer here is pretty simple and the trick is to just give it a try. You can read more here.
This is only one page yet still gives you a good feel for the depth of the wisdom I present.
Having a practical understanding of what your soul really is will significantly deepen your personal peace so this is not just an academic question. It has real value and can greatly improve your experience of daily life. Read more in this two-page essay.
In August of 2019, Nicolae Tanase asked my to contribute my thoughts about the meaning of life to his website, Excellent Reporter. You can read my two-page essay here.
In late 2005, I became aware of a man on California's death row named Stanley “Tookie” Williams. He was scheduled to be put to death in just a few weeks and there was an effort to prevent this. This is the story of my experience with the deep sorrow that arose within me when I learned that this reformed man had indeed been put to death. This experience was so profound that it changed my life in a very deep way. Perhaps you will be inspired by what I have to share about this.
A popular book has a title that states that men come from a far away planet and that women come from a completely different far away planet. The implication is that we have very different fundamental natures, that we are basically different creatures, and can only hope of getting along when we both understand these natures. While this book has genuinely helped millions of people, I would like to add a few comments of my own.
Irving Berlin wrote "God Bless America" in 1938 as World War Two was starting in Europe. I have always considered it a very beautiful song. I hope that my expansion of the song to include another verse that includes all of humanity is not seen in any way as me being critical of the original song or of America itself. Here are both verses and also Irving Berlin's prelude to the song.
Did John Lennon and Carl Perkins connect with their friends and family from the other side?
John Edward is a famous psychic medium who communicates with the spirits of people who have passed on. His 2001 book titled Crossing Over contains many stories that offer compelling evidence for the survival of human consciousness after the death of the body.
This essay covers some of my favorites from that book. Read about Carl Perkins, his daughter Debbie, Elvis Presley, Paul McCartney and John Lennon.
In addition to John Edward's book Crossing Over I also recommended The Afterlife Experiments by Gary Schwartz, Ph.D. since it goes into this subject in a scientific way.
There are conflicting claims about whether Harry Houdini, the world famous escape artist and magician, after his death in October 1926, was successful in passing a prearranged secret coded message to his wife in January 1929 through Arthur Ford, a psychic medium. Read about the cleverly coded message that was received by Beatrice Houdini (known as Bess) and the document that she signed stating that the message was correct!
Can you see the 3-D dinosaur in the picture to the left? (Don't worry if you can't; it's much easier with the larger image in the essay.) Anyway, why do I bring this up? Well, this reminds me of seeing the mystic's view. Before you understand it, the mystical understanding of the world seems like a jumbled mess of words but once you get it, the clarity snaps into focus.
My mentor, Timothy Conway, was kind enough to write the foreword to my book. He even snuck in a few interesting teachings, which is of course, just like Timothy. You can check it out if you are inspired. Thanks for reading some of my work!
Stela 6 in Izapa - A shaman in a canoe journeys into the underworld with the help of
the 5-MeO-DMT from the Bufo toad. Photo: Garth Norman, Brigham Young University.
Click the picture to see it with labels.
I have many free essays about 2012 and the Mayan Long Count Calendar. Since I think that the message from the Maya was a timeless message about the path to enlightenment, you might be interested in reading some of my work. In these essays, I discuss the astronomy of 2012 and show how that astronomy was used by the Maya as a metaphor for spiritual awakening. This is more like art than astronomy! In the essay linked above, I show why I believe this understanding came to them through the use of the psychedelic chemicals they found in the Bufo toad. Not only were these toads found in countless stone carvings, the shamans also had stone altars shaped like these toads in Izapa, Mexico, the birthplace of the Long Count calendar.
I will occasionally add more essays. I hope you will join us for those!
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Fourth Edition, April 2024
My unusual business philosophy
In truth, I honor your divine nature.
All my best, Thomas Razzeto
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